Snowcastle building game, multiplayer online

Welcome, and thanks for trying out this game! This is my first game jam, and it has been really fun! 

The game is supposed to be a chill hang. Walk around, and collect snow from the ground that can be used to build. 

Walk around with: W,A,S,D

Use mouse to look around  and build. You need to hold mouse button to build and gather snow. 

It is a multiplayer game, so there might be others around. 

Every 30 minutes the game resets. The 'metamorphism' in the game is how the playground evolves from starting off empty and then beeing filled with buildings.

The Game is made with Unity with Photon Quantum 3 as physic engine and multiplayer. 

Assets used in the game:

The texture used on the ground is from this asset:

The Snowblocks and ground blocks are from this asset:

I got the beautiful skybox from this pack:


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You need to HOLD mouse click button to place down blocks 

One of the best games out here

Thank you so much!